(0 svar, postade i Kanotturer och möten)

Hi, ik the period 7-19 jul i'll be in sweden and would like to tour some og the gota kanal.
Most likely the stretch motala - linkoping which -i guess- will take me like two days.
Has anyone made that trip ? any advise/sugesstions ?

(reply in swedish will be okay as well ;) )

kind regards


(2 svar, postade i Öppen kanot)

om du har en dutch oven med dig

puff pastry*
pepper, salt, curry powder, tobasco, basil

dices salami

*items can be bought from the fridge, but defrost before usage.

Prepare your campfire and then line the
dutch oven
with the puff pastry.
Cut everything into small dices.
Mix with the eggs and the spices and herbs.
Pour all into the dutch oven and fold the puff pastry inward.
Close your dutch oven and start baking.


jag började  med en recipe


(2 svar, postade i Öppen kanot)

Prepare at home and great to have on board during any trip :

625 g coarse wholemeal
250 gr fine wholemeal (= flower)
250 gr semolina
125 g rye flour (which may also optionally be replaced by wheat flour)
1 tablespoon salt
125 gr dried apricots
125 gr hazelnuts
150 gr margarine
100 g syrup or honey
125 g sugar
0.5 liters of milk

Chop the apricots and hazelnuts. Mix the whole wheat flour, semolina, the rye flour, the salt and the chopped apricots and hazelnuts in a dry mass. Melt the margarine and make a lukewarm mixture of margarine, syrup (or honey), sugar and milk. Stir the dry stuff by the lukewarm mixture and knead the dough into a compact ball well together. Then Put the dough in a buttered baking pan, taking care that the layer of dough is about 2 cm thick. Bake the bread in an oven for 1 hour at 180 ° C.

Anders skrev:

Vad tycker ni om att vi har en egen rubrik med utematlagning? Där vi kan gå in o hämta recept, bra tips, en färdigkomponerad matsedel för en dag, helg eller en vecka?

..... jag tycker det ar bra ide .....


(0 svar, postade i Paddelberättelser)

Last week i went out with my oldest daughter and a group for an two days trip in the northern part of the netherlands. We started off at wehe-den-hoorn where most of us rented a canoe.


I brought my kayak.

and it did not take long to get us going


Day one took us over "Warfhuizen" and "t' Stort"


with beautifull scenery




While for day two we took a trip "maarhuizen" and "schouwerzijl"





Day two had one special item, since we had to pass lockers twice. The province "Groningen" is known for it's canoe abilitys so the have a solutions to pass the locks with a canoe. There is a separate channel of little less than one meter wide. It has a spacial door in it, which you push down with your boat. So, you don't leave the canoe. No heavy liftong og dragging.



The evening i made out meal in the dutch oven with coals

which makes a perfect pizza


and also over a campfire


which you can't do without the traditional bread on a stick



(4 svar, postade i Forumfrågor och användartips)

verhoef skrev:

so after 3-5 posts

i think .....


(4 svar, postade i Forumfrågor och användartips)

verhoef skrev:

so after 3-5 posts

so about now ... i should be fine


(4 svar, postade i Forumfrågor och användartips)

so after 3-5 posts


(4 svar, postade i Forumfrågor och användartips)

verhoef skrev:


It seems one can only have one image in a posting (or to be precise, only one link). At least, when I use the image tag

[img=PunBB bbcode test]http://www.opencanoe.se/forum/img/test.png[/img]

more than once. and i click "Forhandsgranska trad" i always get

Varning! Följande fel måste åtgärdas innan ditt meddelande kan postas:
Too more links in message. Allowed 1 links. Reduce number of links and post it again.

Is there a specific reason to have this limit ?

Kind regards,

looks like an anti spam option


(4 svar, postade i Forumfrågor och användartips)


It seems one can only have one image in a posting (or to be precise, only one link). At least, when I use the image tag

[img=PunBB bbcode test]http://www.opencanoe.se/forum/img/test.png[/img]

more than once. and i click "Forhandsgranska trad" i always get

Varning! Följande fel måste åtgärdas innan ditt meddelande kan postas:
Too more links in message. Allowed 1 links. Reduce number of links and post it again.

Is there a specific reason to have this limit ?

Kind regards,


(1 svar, postade i Paddlare)

Jag har inte en öppen kanot, men jag har en kajak. Jag kommer här främst att läsa för att lära sig svenska. Speciellt läsa och skriva lite svenska